mental health

Build Happiness Pathways in Your Brain with Gratitude

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All day long we're building pathways, pathways in our brain. Neuropathways.
Let's build Happiness pathways!

Your Happiness is an essential nutrient for life.

Happiness. Contentment. Joy. Fulfillment.

Let's get MORE of it.

We all know that each time we walk down the same path it becomes more familiar.
A familiar path gets easier and easier.
The same goes for our neural pathways-repetition wires them in.

Research* has shown that Gratitude builds many neuro pathways...
This week let's build your brain's PATHways to HAPPINESS.

Step 1: Notice things to be grateful for. (Look for beautiful moments.)
Step 2: Think about why they trigger gratitude. (List it out.)
Step 3: Feel your connection to those things. (How does your body feel?)
Step 4: Act on expressing those things. (Write a card/email, Say thank you. Share the gratitude.)

Feeling stuck? Try asking:

  • What is the best part of your day?

  • What other ways can you say 'thank you 'without using those 2 words.

  • What food are you most grateful for today?

Gratitude also builds your MOTIVATION pathways.
I teach you an easy gratitude 'life-hack' to get motivated to exercise in this video.

Notice how your happiness overflows to those around you!
Remember, you always have an impact.

* Neuroscience Reveals: Gratitude Rewires Your Brain to be Happier

Stop the Chaos: Mindfully Meditate on Your Feet

This video is our thank you to all the front line workers and medical personnel who are working tirelessly to keep us well. Please share this with anyone you may know who needs some extra support with this simple de-stressing technique.

When we shift our focus onto our body it helps us to become aware of the present moment which can settle the nervous system and help us to relax and calm the mind.

These mindful meditations are designed for people who generally don't have time to meditate.

Even though it's short you can repeat it throughout the day to build resilience and to kick stress to the curb.

INSIDER TIP: write "Where are Your Feet?" on Post It Notes and leave them in random places to remind you to practise.

How To Overcome Fear and Uncertainty Using the Body

seated woman eyes looking sideways, hands out demonstrating fear with face and hands

It's time to let go of fear and boost inner strength, calm and gentleness.

When fear takes over, it impacts our happiness, and influences our decisions.


Fear can deplete us of our energy so here I'll teach you 2 techniques that can help to boost the flow of that energy.

Chinese medicine teaches that when we have strong kidney energy we have a strong life force, or chi, energy. Fear is the emotion associated with the BLADDER and KIDNEY.

These two, water element organs, are all about flow.

While feeling fear is perfectly normal, and human, we don't want get stuck in fearful thoughts, especially when we're afraid that we're 'not enough' or 'worthy' of a fabulous life.

In this video Glenda Britton helps me to teach you how to use the body overcome fear and uncertainty by tapping on the K27 (Kidney meridian end point), and how to use the Taoist Healing Sound "Choo" to stimulate and support your kidney energy and to release fear. (It may look odd but it feels great).

→Here's the AFFIRMATION I used while tapping the K27 point: "I love and accept myself, even with my fears. I let them go now and choose trust, courage and calm."

Disclaimer: The content of this video is for information purposes and is in no way a substitute for professional medical care.

Further Reference: Donna Eden Mantak Chia The Chopra Centre

Calm Down with Animals

"You got to get away from words if you want to understand any animal. It thinks in pictures, it thinks in smells, it thinks in touch sensations - little sound bites like, it's a very detailed memory." 

Temple Grandin

Find Calm with Animals

My daughter started a new job this week and it just so happened that there was a beautiful 12 year old senior dog in the office.

Needless to say, the first day at a new job is a little STRESSFUL. You're meeting a ton of new people, you have to get to know the tech, procedures and log in's. Everything is new.

Guess where the dog, named Shorty, chose to hang out for the day?

Yup, under the new employee's desk! What a gift it was for my daughter to have this beautiful animal to connect with!

So, once a week, this office has a dog hang out with everyone. I know it's not a new idea to have pets in the workplace but this example really emphasized how ANIMALS CAN HELP us humans to DE-stress. They can teach us to live in the moment and love unconditionally, and they're great, non-judgmental ENERGY readers, with the ability to sense the FEEL of a ROOM and the PEOPLE in it.

Count yourself lucky if you live with an animal family member. My beautiful Labrador Retriever crossed the rainbow bridge years ago but I can find comfort connecting with the memory of her. 

There's no doubt about it, patting, holding or having a pet nearby can be calming and comforting. Therapeutic Paws of Canada, Caring Canine: Toronto Therapy Dogs and St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program all offer a variety of programs that connect a dog with seniors, adults, teens and children. These programs help with everything from stress reduction, autism, pain management to helping children read. Pet Partners list many studies supporting the benefits of the human animal bond.

So what happens if you don't have direct access to a pet? 

Well, getting out in nature, and listening and observing the wildlife around you, will certainly help to increase your odds of experiencing some calming mindful moments.  I love to watch the way animals and birds interact and communicate.
Once you start noticing, you'll see even more interactions and then you might find yourself looking forward to those moments. 

Of course you could go to the zoo or aquarium or a dog park, and who doesn't love those funny Facebook pet videos. Careful with this one because once you go there you might not be back until tomorrow!

The next time you're near a pet or out in nature, check in to your body and notice your tension levels and your breathing.
Do you start to let go and relax?
Can you gently slow your breath?
Are you able to connect and just BE with the animal? 
Does your heart soften or a smile come to your lips?

If this resonates with you and if you discover that your MIND gets a break from all the CHATTER, then you can use the memory of these experiences to access this positive feeling later on, when you need it. A positive memory can go a long way to putting a smile on your face just like the memories of my yellow Labrador can.

Helping you smooth out your day!  Michele

click the image below to start meditating today!