easy meditation

Stop the Chaos: Mindfully Meditate on Your Feet

This video is our thank you to all the front line workers and medical personnel who are working tirelessly to keep us well. Please share this with anyone you may know who needs some extra support with this simple de-stressing technique.

When we shift our focus onto our body it helps us to become aware of the present moment which can settle the nervous system and help us to relax and calm the mind.

These mindful meditations are designed for people who generally don't have time to meditate.

Even though it's short you can repeat it throughout the day to build resilience and to kick stress to the curb.

INSIDER TIP: write "Where are Your Feet?" on Post It Notes and leave them in random places to remind you to practise.

An Easy Self-Love Meditation for NON-Meditators

A single daisy flower growing with some weeds and rocks.

Interrupt the voice in your head with this simple self-love meditation.

It's not selfish to appreciate and love yourself-we're all doing the best we can and continue to grow. I believe that meditation should be fun and accessible, so I invite you to take a couple of minutes to try this one out and see how it feels.

This meditation is from the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk and peace activist.

Breathe in the words, "Hello, I'm Home". Think of it like saying "Hey body, I'm here with you."

Going into the body brings us to the present moment where we can feel safe and grounded. When we connect to our bodies with these words, we activate gratitude and loving kindness toward ourselves.