Build Happiness Pathways in Your Brain with Gratitude

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All day long we're building pathways, pathways in our brain. Neuropathways.
Let's build Happiness pathways!

Your Happiness is an essential nutrient for life.

Happiness. Contentment. Joy. Fulfillment.

Let's get MORE of it.

We all know that each time we walk down the same path it becomes more familiar.
A familiar path gets easier and easier.
The same goes for our neural pathways-repetition wires them in.

Research* has shown that Gratitude builds many neuro pathways...
This week let's build your brain's PATHways to HAPPINESS.

Step 1: Notice things to be grateful for. (Look for beautiful moments.)
Step 2: Think about why they trigger gratitude. (List it out.)
Step 3: Feel your connection to those things. (How does your body feel?)
Step 4: Act on expressing those things. (Write a card/email, Say thank you. Share the gratitude.)

Feeling stuck? Try asking:

  • What is the best part of your day?

  • What other ways can you say 'thank you 'without using those 2 words.

  • What food are you most grateful for today?

Gratitude also builds your MOTIVATION pathways.
I teach you an easy gratitude 'life-hack' to get motivated to exercise in this video.

Notice how your happiness overflows to those around you!
Remember, you always have an impact.

* Neuroscience Reveals: Gratitude Rewires Your Brain to be Happier