release negative energy

How To Overcome Fear and Uncertainty Using the Body

seated woman eyes looking sideways, hands out demonstrating fear with face and hands

It's time to let go of fear and boost inner strength, calm and gentleness.

When fear takes over, it impacts our happiness, and influences our decisions.


Fear can deplete us of our energy so here I'll teach you 2 techniques that can help to boost the flow of that energy.

Chinese medicine teaches that when we have strong kidney energy we have a strong life force, or chi, energy. Fear is the emotion associated with the BLADDER and KIDNEY.

These two, water element organs, are all about flow.

While feeling fear is perfectly normal, and human, we don't want get stuck in fearful thoughts, especially when we're afraid that we're 'not enough' or 'worthy' of a fabulous life.

In this video Glenda Britton helps me to teach you how to use the body overcome fear and uncertainty by tapping on the K27 (Kidney meridian end point), and how to use the Taoist Healing Sound "Choo" to stimulate and support your kidney energy and to release fear. (It may look odd but it feels great).

→Here's the AFFIRMATION I used while tapping the K27 point: "I love and accept myself, even with my fears. I let them go now and choose trust, courage and calm."

Disclaimer: The content of this video is for information purposes and is in no way a substitute for professional medical care.

Further Reference: Donna Eden Mantak Chia The Chopra Centre

Sage Smudging for Beginners

top down view of a sage bundle smouldering in a glass bowl filled with shells.

Spring cleaning usually entails the bigger jobs, like windows and walls and deep cleaning the refrigerator and of course de-cluttering is important too BUT do you every take one extra step to clear the old, stale and perhaps negative energy of your room?

Physical cleaning can definitely help give the energy of your space a boost but when you smudge and your positive intentions you will raise the energy even more.

Notice if you feel tense, fearful, a little lethargic, unmotivated, down or unbalanced then your space may be holding negative energy.

say goodbye to LOW LEVEL EMOTIONS

Arguments, Fear, Anger and Worry carry low level emotions and it's a good idea to let them flow out, transform them to higher vibes like excitement, hope, inspiration, love and joy to name a few.

In this video you will learn how to smudge and clear old or negative energy from your space by first clearing yourself. It's a simple and timeless technique that even beginners can try. And be sure to check in with how you feel in your home before and after you do it.

You can use incense, dried sage, palo santo wood, cedar rope or smudge spray. Always use caution and be sure to fully extinguish any burning embers when you are finished.


Get still, breathe deeply and slowly and set a clear, positive intention before you start and move around the room using a figure eight motion (the infinity symbol) if you like. Experiment with what feels right for you and you will open up to your intuition and check to see how your space feels after using this cleaning tool.

I hope you have fun using this beautiful practise inspired from many traditional cultures around the world.

Please visit my website for more calm-down tools and downloadable freebies:

Visit Glenda for mind/body support and recipes at: