
Caregivers-How Heavy is Your Worry Load?

"If you have someone who has many things going wrong and one thing going right, beat the drum of what's going right, and let that be your point of attraction." Abraham-Hicks, San Diego, 2003


When I look beyond the headlines and examine humanity, at the ground level, I'm truly in awe of all the caregivers among us. For some it's a vocation or calling, while for others it's just 'what they do'. Sometimes the need is great and very demanding and other times it requires the subtle moments of a look, smile or presence. 

Even when you don't have all the answers, solutions, or next steps, you have enough energy and compassion to sit with the problem, and when you can do this without the WORRY THOUGHTS about tomorrow, you can begin to activate a very strong vibration of LOVE. When your mind (thought) activity gets calm, your heart can feed YOUR energy.

I know that you're constantly 'giving care', of one kind or another, to your family and others in your life, and while we often talk about exhaustion and OVERWHELM, and the need for self-care, part of that should include our mental experience. I know that a big part of caring is DOING but another big part is THINKING.

Who ever THOUGHT that THOUGHTS could be so exhausting? But they are, and they can keep us up at night too.

By tapping into your heart energy you can begin to find a way to FUEL UP.
How can you access this fuel?

I've been re-reading a lot of Eckhart Tolle these days and practising stepping out of my thought storms so I can WITNESS the habitual nature of OVER-THINKING. I try to gently feel the aliveness of my hands, my body, and my breath. When I do that I can momentarily escape, or rather, take a break from thought, and re-fuel.   

If you're looking to calm down your worry thoughts check out my quick, printable meditation cheat sheet HERE.

Another Step on Your Path - Michele

Go On, Dream It!


What do you want to be when you GROW UP?
Children have no problem telling you that they want to be an astronaut, ballet dancer, inventor, or a pilot.
I know that when I dare to dream BIG my logical brain runs a laundry list of why it's not possible and I hit a wall. Done. GAME OVER!

RE-BOOT. Let's try that again. If I could do/create/participate in anything at all, and I include the possibility that there may be something that isn't discovered or invented yet, what would it be? I don't know about you but I need to PRACTISE thinking this way. I need to work on listening and acknowledging how my steps feel because when I do I can steer my boat and get into the FLOW of my life which is a lot better than working so hard paddling against it.

Keep in mind that the only way to keep that WALL from cropping up is to bring your dream to where you are now, and TAKE A STEP in the direction of it. ONE STEP is all it takes to see how it FEELS. If  it doesn't feel right then choose something else.

It's a journey, you can do this!

It's a good day!


Today is your day.
You get to CREATE your experience of it. While you're at it why not notice the evolution of your day. Where and how does it flow? Interactions with others, tasks, work, mistakes, entertainment, silence, laughter, tears... Look for the subtle moments or even the obvious ones that give you a GOOD FEELING and then pay attention to them as they float through you. The more you NOTICE them the more they will come to you. Ah, sweet success!

calm your thought ocean


If the ocean surface is a metaphor for our swirling thoughts and busy mind then it's easy to understand that deep below the surface, where the water is still, there is clarity and peace.

How do you calm your THOUGHT OCEAN to get to deeper insights and knowing?
Worst case scenario thoughts. Negative thoughts. Positive thoughts. Worry thoughts. Predictive thoughts. Repetitive thoughts. Intuitive thoughts. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts!

My meditation practise doesn't let me down, it helps to calm those surface waters so I have clarity and have direct access to deeper aspects of myself. The more I practise, just like the more I do bicep curls, my CONCENTRATION MUSCLE gets stronger and my ocean of thoughts calms down.