
Go On, Dream It!


What do you want to be when you GROW UP?
Children have no problem telling you that they want to be an astronaut, ballet dancer, inventor, or a pilot.
I know that when I dare to dream BIG my logical brain runs a laundry list of why it's not possible and I hit a wall. Done. GAME OVER!

RE-BOOT. Let's try that again. If I could do/create/participate in anything at all, and I include the possibility that there may be something that isn't discovered or invented yet, what would it be? I don't know about you but I need to PRACTISE thinking this way. I need to work on listening and acknowledging how my steps feel because when I do I can steer my boat and get into the FLOW of my life which is a lot better than working so hard paddling against it.

Keep in mind that the only way to keep that WALL from cropping up is to bring your dream to where you are now, and TAKE A STEP in the direction of it. ONE STEP is all it takes to see how it FEELS. If  it doesn't feel right then choose something else.

It's a journey, you can do this!

How to Discover Your Values

Remembrance Day journal.JPG

Remembrance Day helps us to remember those who fought for our values and freedoms but it also alerts us to REMEMBER to LIVE our values.  

My sister, with her magical divine timing, gave me J.B. Glossinger's book The Sacred 6, and while I'm not usually one for journaling, I thought it was high time I reacquainted Myself with MY SELF. It was time to gain clarity and FOCUS and check in to see if my values were in alignment with my actions and life experiences.

So if you feel so inspired, pick up a journal, like the bespoke one pictured above (shameless plug for my daughter Jazmin at, and dig in.

Glossinger's book guides you with exercises that help to name values, goals, principles, and  tasks. Although the process was challenging, at times, I found myself feeling immense gratitude for where I'm at NOW. Mistakes, missteps and successes are all part of what got me HERE. The journey continues.

This Remembrance Day, let's hold the thought " Peace begins with me".