
Your Heart Energy is YOURS to Use

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I like to use the calm, soft pink colour of the rose quartz crystal to remind myself to live from my heart. Carrying a small tumbled crystal helps me to OPEN my heart so I can FILTER my actions, decisions and words through it. 

When the heart is closed we tend to be more JUDGMENTAL, cruel, violent and arrogant, so, the BEST way to soften these qualities is to bring your awareness to your heart and, by doing so, you can tap in to the quality of love, which nourishes and feeds your life.

The biggest benefit or me has been that I'm WAY less impatient, which is a REALLY GOOD THING for myself, and those around me. Thankfully, there are other benefits too, so try this exercise.

Place one hand on your heart.
Close your eyes. Breathe slowly and gently. Relax your jaw and forehead.
Stay with it for at least 15 seconds. You may even feel your heartbeat. 
Think of some thing, some place or some one you love and let that feeling of love fill your heart.
Feel your heart soften and open. Keep breathing, gently.
Spread that good, loving feeling to every cell in your body. Take your time with this.
Then focus back on your heart and thank it for all that it does for you.
Gently open your eyes.

When to Use: You can tap in to this feeling whenever you need a re-boot back to your heart, especially when your thoughts start to generate negative emotions.   
Side Effects: Your heart energy will multiply and touch those around you. You will have easier access to the qualities love, gentleness, compassion, radiance, respect, joy and optimism.

Your heart energy is a simple resource, available exclusively to you, 24-7.

Enjoy the ride!




What's with the news? TV newscasts (and news channels) seem to be worse than radio broadcasts and radio is worse than newspapers. What am I talking about? Bad news. So, how does our BRAIN feel about watching the news?

The Merriam -Webster definition of the word NEWS is:  
a a report of recent events
b previously unknown information
c something having a specified influence or effect

This definition seems fairly harmless and neutral; news isn't only BAD. Why then are newscasts generally so negative and stressful?

Our eyes and ears are taking in 'STRESS MESSAGES' and, even though we're usually far removed from the events, we humans will be experiencing, connecting, sensing and feeling them. I can almost feel my brain bending toward judgement, negativity, outrage, shock, fear and stress.

You might be THINKING that it's important to know what's going on in the world and I may be WONDERING if I'm taking things too seriously or overreacting, but for the most part the news doesn't really influence me enough to take action, to grow. 

There are 7.4 BILLION PEOPLE on the planet, many of whom move through their lives creating, designing, inspiring, discovering, assisting, loving, inventing and exploring, and the newscasts can barely muster up a couple of feel good stories-one of which tends to be the latest viral video from YouTube or Facebook. Here's a RHETORICAL QUESTION, and a topic for another day, does a newscast's content get built by ratings?

Okay, I don't want to live with my head in the sand but lately I've become more AWARE of what I feed my brain and as a seeker of NEWS I want it to nudge me forward in my life. 
As I look for BETTER BALANCE I think I'll turn the TV off!

One Simple Step to Find Balance in Life

Try standing on one leg. Go ahead and hold on to the wall for support. Tune in to the tiny, subtle adjustments that work automatically to maintain your upright posture. Concentrate and you'll feel the aliveness of the continuous adjustments, the wobble.  (Eckhart Tolle would call this, non-judgmental feeling of aliveness, your presence.)

Strive to find your balance: work/play, thinking/feeling, laughing/crying, action/stillness...Check in daily, weekly or annually to see if you're striving for balancing experiences. Is there too much of one thing and not enough of something else?

Wobbling is part of the journey that reminds us to continue to aim for balance. By paying attention, and accepting life's wobbles and adjustments, we can notice when we get stuck in one place for too long and then we can begin to make changes.  

Having fun with my wobble, hope you are too!