love yourself

Why it's not easy to love yourself?

Silhouette of a woman with long hair, wearing a summer dress, standing peacefully in a field with some trees in the mid ground and a rolling hill in the background, facing left with the sun hidden behind her as she looks to the shy

Can you say this to yourself, or are you filled with excuses and doubt?

"I am absolutely flawsome!"

Take a look in the mirror and give yourself permission to STOP being so hard on yourself:

your appearance,
your decisions,
your finances,
your relationships,
your life,
your health,
your routines...

It's time to embrace your FLAWsome-ness!
FLAWS + AWESOME = flawsome


It's not your fault, we're all hard-wired to look for danger, threats, and negative aspects of our life.
It's our 'negativity bias' in the brain, and STRESS amps it up.

Are you--
Finding blame, or feeling overly critical? --> Check-in and measure your STRESS.
Feeling sensitive and over-reactive or short tempered? --> That's likely STRESS too.

What can you do about it?

---> Down regulate your stress <--


My BEST advice, if you want to see success, is to remind you to do it often.

***It takes repetition to rewire your brain, or you'll be right back where your started!***

Go get'em this week, and keep thriving!