
A Peaceful Mind is Everything!

Image of sunset with islands in the background and ocean and beach in the foreground-very serene.

How does this quote sit with you?

"Your thoughts are the source of virtually everything in your life." Wayne Dyer.

I often speak of how we can be stuck in the cycle of constant 'doing'- it's like we can't turn off sometimes.

But, have you noticed how much your mind is turned on too?
And what is the quality of those thoughts? Are they stress thoughts or empowering thoughts?

Your mind is c o n s t a n t l y chattering away in your head?

And, it's really loud when you finally lie down in bed at night? Right?

Take a look at the photo above. I took this picture when I was on vacation on Vancouver Island, B.C. Can you see the crescent moon or the people walking further down the beach?

Really take it in.

Sitting on the beach at dusk that day was absolutely breathtaking and sooo peaceful!
I'm sure you've had similar experiences.

But let's be honest, that peace we feel in our body and mind can evaporate quickly as we leave the scene and step back into our lives. It's a bit like that feeling we sometimes have a few days after a vacation ends - you don't feel like you even went on it.

The best way that I know how to maintain inner peace, is to practise it. Practise feeling it and activating it.
As Eckhart Tolle says, "Create a background of peace".

🔥 This is important because when the headwinds or stormy weather of your life show up, it's easier to face when you have a background of inner peace.

I've been working on a special practise series
that helps you to consistently build that background of peace in a fun and easy way.

It all starts on June 1st.
I invite you to head over to, and click the follow button my Facebook Page HERE to watch for the details.

Family Tip- practise peace with children with music, nature, pets, floating...

Why it's not easy to love yourself?

Silhouette of a woman with long hair, wearing a summer dress, standing peacefully in a field with some trees in the mid ground and a rolling hill in the background, facing left with the sun hidden behind her as she looks to the shy

Can you say this to yourself, or are you filled with excuses and doubt?

"I am absolutely flawsome!"

Take a look in the mirror and give yourself permission to STOP being so hard on yourself:

your appearance,
your decisions,
your finances,
your relationships,
your life,
your health,
your routines...

It's time to embrace your FLAWsome-ness!
FLAWS + AWESOME = flawsome


It's not your fault, we're all hard-wired to look for danger, threats, and negative aspects of our life.
It's our 'negativity bias' in the brain, and STRESS amps it up.

Are you--
Finding blame, or feeling overly critical? --> Check-in and measure your STRESS.
Feeling sensitive and over-reactive or short tempered? --> That's likely STRESS too.

What can you do about it?

---> Down regulate your stress <--


My BEST advice, if you want to see success, is to remind you to do it often.

***It takes repetition to rewire your brain, or you'll be right back where your started!***

Go get'em this week, and keep thriving!

When It's Time for a Little Personal Spring Cleaning

3 lemons beside a spray bottle of homemade liquid soap on a wooden cutting board on a kitchen counter beside a stove cooktop

Here we go, another shiny new week.

Monday can set the tone for the whole week.

So on that note- Is there something you can take off your plate this week?
Sometimes subtracting can open the door to a new idea, a fresh perspective, a little more space and ease.

I want you to feel the freshness that this Spring Season offers up.
Springtime is marching forward and so are you.

It's time for a little Personal Spring Cleaning

Take 5 minutes to get still, consider the 3 questions below, and then let the answers bubble up.
(I know that you go-getters might dive in fast here, but I suggest you go easy and tread gently.)

1. What could you let go of? What should you keep?

A person? A place?
An expectation? Pressure to be perfect?
Self-Judgement over goals?
Worry over mistakes from the past?
Worry over the unknown future?

2. What could you change?

A routine? An old attitude? An old patterned response?
Do something in a different order? Time you eat? What you eat?
When you get up? When you move your body?

3. See if it feels good, helps you feel fresher, lighter, happier?

Spring is about renewal, change and growth, so serve yourself.

When you want to break free of old patterns of responding, become still, mindful, and choose a new thought.

The more you try this the EASIER it gets

because you begin to WIRE NEW PATHWAYS in the brain!

I'd love to hear from you in the comments below? How did your Personal Spring Cleaning go? What was the easiest part?