inner peace

Try These Steps During a Full Moon

Dusk, ocean and sky out of focus in the background, foreground a woman standing, waist up, facing camera,  holding a ball, near her chin,that looks like the moon it's illuminated from within.

Do you pay attention to the cycles of the moon?
The reason I ask, is to invite you to notice today's full, super moon (August 11) named the Sturgeon Moon by the Algonquins of North America.

The cycles of the moon are a call-out for you to fire up your INTUITION and intentions.
And the more you use your intuition, the more it develops!

The days before, during and after a full moon are a great time to notice what's being offered to you in your life--situations, blocks, relationships, reading materials, images, sounds, food...
Everything is designed to guide you, and to help you grow, but some of it might not be needed anymore.

Try these 3 simple steps to get the most from the full moon's energy:

FIRST-Go ahead and choose anything in your life that you're curious about or needs attention.
It could be things, like your life's purpose, career, happiness, health, relationships or routines and beliefs you have about yourself. It can be really specific or as broad as you like.
Anything goes-it's your journey.
Hint: Use your intuition-grab what comes up first, or the loudest.

SECOND-Decide what you would like to do with it.
Harvest it: (enjoy the results, finish/end or close it), OR
Weed it: (fine tune, shift or add to it), OR
Nurture it: (feed, spend more time/focus/energy on it).

THIRD-Be sure to take action.
There may be many small steps, or a few big steps.
Make that phone call, schedule something, wake up at a different time, eat that new food, move, sing, write, create, experiment, shift that old habit...
-->Your actions should invigorate you, not pull you down or feel guilty!
-->Take action from a place of love for yourself.
Write it down, make a commitment to yourself.

Some doors will open, and some doors will close.
Above all, remember that you are nourishing yourself so that you can continue to grow.

Where I live, here in Ontario, the sun is a little lower in the sky and the nights are a little cooler but we're still in the growing season.
Our produce is fresh, colourful and abundant.
Great words that we can use to describe ourselves too!

Until next time, enjoy some inner peace.
Calm Boss at Smooth Rock Meditation

Build Some Inner Peace ASAP

lady with flowerpot.gif

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month?
I only just found out!
It feels like it's been Stress Awareness Year!

Stress Awareness is important, but so is the flipside-dialing in to more ease.
Ease needs to be nurtured so it can build inner peace.

But did you know that the #1 ROADBLOCK TO YOUR INNER PEACE IS YOU?

Sorry I had to yell there, but I find that I'm often in my own way.
Mindset beliefs, fear-What will people think? What if I fail?, What if I succeed? overthinking...
These are all stress responses, and they can stop us in our tracks.
Ease allows us to grow and nurture our seeds (goals, ideas, dreams, good feelings)!

This month, I invite you to nurture your soil with some Inner Peace, Some Ease.

Building inner peace is an important life skill for:

growth, laughter, fun, contentment and joy.

  • Use what works for you-hobbies, running, exercising, creative arts, mindful moments, a meditation practise, out in nature...

  • And activate inner peace with any of these easy, free tools.

One more thing to remember:

As you GROW your DREAMS, sprout new habits, reactions, perspectives, solutions don't forget to:

Sprout more kindness and loving acceptance of yourself.

A dream doesn't die because it has no truth. It dies because you fail to nurture it. (1).png

So, back to April Stress Awareness Month…

  • Remember, if you're WAY TOO BUSY to meditate, let alone stop doing all the things...try one of my 3 free, quick, 'chase-the-stress away' tools

  • Click HERE. (Instant Access) Use them often and check to see how you feel before and after.

    I'd love to hear from you? Are these tools helpful? Interested in more?
    Just leave a comment below or email me at