3 Calm Breathing Techniques for Shallow Breathers

Woman, eyes closed looking slightly up and to the left, wind blowing her hair to the left, background blurred..

Deep breathing

can help calm anxious or stressful feelings,


sometimes the more you try, the tighter and more shallow your chest gets.

If you think that you could be a chronic shallow breather then you're in the right place.

I'd like you to try the 3 breathing techniques that I teach in this video because I don't make you breathe from deep in your belly. Why?...,because I've learned, over and over again, that sometimes 'trying' to breathe deeply can feel stressful.

These techniques can help to trigger your vagus nerve and shift you into a more relaxed state and from there you should find your breath softening and deepening.

Quick Tip

Practise when you feel good not just when a crisis hits. Don't try to force it because sometimes when we try to force something it just doesn't come.

Breathing Gym

As you practise with me, try to think of it as play or just hanging out at the breathing gym. Remember, like anything, practise and repetition is important to train your body--your biceps need repetition to get strong for example. It takes practise to train yourself to relax and find that deeper, 'rest and repair' breath.

It's sooo important to practise…

Grab this instructional CHEAT SHEET to help you practise the 3 breathing exercises.

In the meantime please share this video with anyone you think might benefit from this training so together we can help the world to find some calm.

Let me know…

Comment below to let me know what does, or doesn't, work in for you so I can continue to create videos that are helpful.

Visit Michele for more calm-down tools, support and downloadable freebies at: https://www.SmoothRockMeditation.com

Visit Glenda for mind/body support and recipes at: https://www.GlendaBritton.com

++++ Disclaimer: The content of this video is for information purposes and is in no way a substitute for professional medical care.