'New Year - New You' Messaging Has It Wrong

5 women standing on a beach, in a yoga pose on yoga mats, water and waves in the background

It's EVERYWHERE! I mean haven't you noticed that every January (well actually it starts in December) the NEW YEAR-NEW YOU messaging begins to tell us that life will be better when... when we lose the weight, exercise harder, start juicing and organize our closets ...?

There's a lot of pressure to hit those goals and they're always set in the future.

I know what you're going to say, " But Michele all those things are good, they support us."

Well, you're right BUT that underlying message implies that life is not good NOW, so it's not really serving us in this moment.
!!!We need to feel good now, not at some time in the future.!!!

What to do?
Build a foundation that supports whatever you do, everyday.
How? With a powerful mind shift!

Your hands actually carry the energy of your thoughts too!

While you're preparing tonight's dinner I invite you to try to shift your awareness into your hands.

  • Before you start, shake off any energy you don't need - that argument with your spouse, distressing phone call, work email, grumpy kids... don't cook angry, stressed or upset!

  • Next, do the MIND SHIFT-- shift your awareness to acknowledge nature's gift of food in front of you, and yes take-out counts! Let gratitude and appreciation for the nourishment you are about to receive flow into your hands.

  • Use your senses to prep and serve your meal-notice the smell of the parsley or garlic as you chop and sounds like veggies sizzling in you pan or pasta boiling.

  • Listen to music or sing, interact with anyone who may be helping you.

  • Turn off the news because it is generally negative and you don't want that affecting your energy.

AND THERE YOU ARE, back in the present moment, the moment that reminds you that you are nourishing yourself, you're whole, perfect and loved!

And one last thing…

Family Tip:

For the first few minutes of every meal, s-l-o-w down.

  • Notice the colour, shape and texture of your food.

  • Spend more time chewing and tasting.

  • Recognize that your body is receiving nourishment.

Thank Mother Earth and the farmers, pickers, packers, transporters, grocers, the cook (your family can list more)... for getting this food to your table.