
How NOT to Make a Decision

"Be wary of any decisions in the 'zag' of life. They are almost sure to be wrong. They will be too coloured by our anger or depression or doubt or discouragement."  Rev. Dr. Walter Welch, The Zig Zag of Life, 1980.


How many times have you had to make a decision and you feel stuck? AFRAID to make the wrong decision? WHAT IF this happens or that happens? You pound away at it. You make lists, weight your pros and cons, walk a way, survey your friends, sleep on it, and you still can't move on it! We've all been there!

When Rev. Dr. Welch speaks of the ZAG in life, he's referring to your circumstance and the feelings and emotions in that present moment. Trying to make a decision when you feel less than your best self is really tough. The decision may be rushed, or lead by outside pressures. I like to feel good about my decisions and try to avoid "Ya, but..." self-talk, which is almost always fear based.

So, after you check in with your present feelings, you can do 2 things:

1. Find something to APPRECIATE and let that feeling flow through you. It could be a memory or shifting what you're doing.

2. This may be a little harder to swallow but here it goes, ACCEPT that both decisions are offered to you for your growth. You can't NOT grow. With acceptance you'll find a shift in your stress about the decision and, as you'll begin to relax, clarity can seep in.

Either way, give yourself a little space from your decision.

Finally, and you could do this first if you're ready, you can slow your breath and meditate. I didn't mention if first because sometimes when you head is overflowing and super busy with thoughts the idea of being still and calm is met with a huge amount of resistance. Resistance will just bring you more of the same and add to your stress, so by shifting your mood first you can then find a way to allow stillness.

Be sure to grab my printable meditation cheat sheet HERE.

You know the drill it's time to get still! Ha, ha, ha!

Nice rhyme but you've just got to go there. Like it or not, a calm mind is a clear mind and it's easier to hear that inner voice giving you answers.

Helping you smooth out your day.-Michele